Print It

January 7, 2011
A town near me, Michigan City, they had First Friday. First Friday is where the art district is open for a few hours on the first Friday of the month. To me, this is something similar to what they do in Chicago. I hit up about four art galleries. These galleries included: various types of paintings, photographs, drawings, and prints.

Out of all the galleries that inspired me was the Walnut Ink Gallery. This was the gallery that had the prints. I am not talking a copy of a work but rather works that were possible made on a printing press. The only way I know how to describe it would be to have you think of Andy Warhol and the art movement he started.

My dad stopped me from taking my camera. He thought it would be frowned upon if I took pictures. They had some nice giant prints of single birds, and some creative images of Chicago.

I will let you in on a little secerete that did not inspire me. In the back of the gallery they had a room that was lit by black light. That is right, black light. The pieces were done in ink and a yellow glowing paint to be shown under black light. I guess is why they called it the The Creepy Creepy, Glow Glow Show. You would know why it is creepy if you saw them.

Thanks Walnut Ink Gallery for inspiring me today. I would love to go make some prints now.


As an illustrator and graphic designer I see inspiration every day. I will be sharing inspiration and art reviews. One can definitely say They STOLE My Idea!!