Growing up Blank

January 11, 2011
We thank Kid Robot for introducing us to one of the most urban canvases out there, vinyl. Today we have the Munny. For those of us who do not know what I am talking about lets look at some finished pieces.

Can you believe that people go to trade shows and get top dollars from a simple figure. The figure is as simple as this:
Depending on what type of blank Munny you buy you may get some mystery accessories such as:

  • hats
  • skateboards
  • pencils
  • bow ties
  • frying pans
  • bananas 
  • spoons
  • and many others
The Munny is today's urban canvas.


As an illustrator and graphic designer I see inspiration every day. I will be sharing inspiration and art reviews. One can definitely say They STOLE My Idea!!