They are America

November 30, 2013
On my search for a piece of art, a poster, from Chicago I found a wonder design group.
Anderson Design Group is right up my alley. This group produces posters and art that make you want to see America and the rest of the world. The type of illustration they do reminds of the old 1930s era campaign and style. Take a look for yourself.

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Half of What?

February 1, 2013
I made this site in order to post artist inspirations every day of the year - one each day. That has not happened.
For me, it was hard to find someone new every day. Where do I look to find someone to share and so on and so fourth. Since the concept of the site has changed so will the site design. Shortly, you will be seeing a new layout to better reflect the site.

In the mean time if you want some inspiration feel free to visit my art portfolio:

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Whose World

October 29, 2011
Spencer Hansen with Blamo.

Billy the Rabbit

Micha Bear

I think I love that they are made out of wood. Did that cross your mind when looking at these art figures?
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Cut Me Out

October 28, 2011
Do you know anything about spray paint? Well it is nothing like we use it for and it is not some lame as tool in the Microsoft Paint program. Today we look has how pint has great grphic look with stencils. You can say that you stenciled your na,e on something at one time or another. I know I have.

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Does it All

October 27, 2011
Today we have an artist that can swing from one medium to another. Fist from drawing then to the printed format and maybe to the next level of figures.

To me I give credit to someone who can take a sketch and know how to give life to it.

The sketches are so graphic and urban but the models are so rustic and vintage. It is such a sweet pairing and a great crossover. Way to go UMETOYS.

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October 26, 2011
Jean-Michael Basquiat is one of those out there street artists. He was the flashy spray paing tagging kind that we think of today.

Take a look at his almost primal art, African in style. You could say it is just one big sketch. You have to look and stud it for a second but do not look too deep.

Basquiat also had an album of bee-bob jazz titled Basquiat Salutes Jazz before he had passed on in 1988. In my opinion, this is one good jazz album because I enjoy brassy hip-hop, bee-bop jazz.

Even before I discovered Basquiat I thought of art such as this attached to the style of jazz that I love to listen to.
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On Fire

October 25, 2011
You know the saying when you play sports you say that someone on fire is doing a good job? Well today's inspiration is on fire.

Take a look for yourself at Firebird Photography. You will enjoy his playful vintage photos. The oveall exerience is too wonderful to show you here. It amazed me when I first saw it and it still does today.
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January 30, 2011
This day in age everything looks clean and crisp. I notice that it even happens in my artwork. I like things such as screen printing, printing presses and the like. If done right these things can make things look clean too but I do love how they can appear so vintage and with a grunge sort of look. Most it can also be attributed to the color scheme.

The Wallace Design House has the quality that I am looking for and absolutely love. A design house is similar to a design firm in that they do all your graphical needs. Wallace Design House  does: logos, illustrations, designs, and apparel.

Building Community 
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Do It

January 29, 2011
Now men, I know you have better things to do like fix computers, unclog the drain, and work on the car. How much more stereotypical can I get today.

Boys get out your thread and needle. No we are not doing sugary. We are going to do some crafts with that needle and thread. In my mind I have this pined as womans work because they have smaller finger but I bet a man could do this art just as well.

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January 28, 2011
Every time I went to my grandmas house I would play with my moms old toys. Most of the toys she had were made out if toys. Today everything has to be made out of plastic.

The artist I found, Dolan Geiman, reminds me of the wooden toys my grandma had. Dolan recycles wood to make crafty man like mix-media sculptures.

If I had the chance I would put some of his artwork in my place to make it look more crafty and manly with the wood. I do enjoy that it is screen printed.

Original Wood Art Assemblage, Paint Sticks Songbird Collection (2010)

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January 27, 2011
I think this guy is on drugs. He is a big inspiration to me right now because this is now I feel right now. I am so wanting to make more art but I have other things to be done.

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What It Is

January 26, 2011
I did not post yesterday because I felt that this inspiration/post should be put into one. Ever since high school or maybe even college I have considered myself to be an artist. Many great people and scholars as what art is. Marriam-Webster's Dictionary defines art as:

  • skill acquired by experience, study, or observation
  • the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects
but they define artist as one skilled or versed in learned arts. Like I stated before some of the greatest minds write books and such on this topic.

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As an illustrator and graphic designer I see inspiration every day. I will be sharing inspiration and art reviews. One can definitely say They STOLE My Idea!!